Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Hi guys.

Today I saw something really scary but sad at the same time and I wanna share it with you guys. Today, me and my mum went up to the hair saloon which is on the third floor of the flat. We went up and I saw a guy standing outside his house and a lady, most likely is his wife, screaming at him from inside the house. I could see they both argueing. As we walk pass by them using the opposite lane, I could see the wife using something to beat the husband's hand, while the husband was begging the wife to open the gate and let him in. I reach the saloon but they wasn't anybody in. When I walk back, I saw that family argueing. I heard the husband saying something about money, guess they were argueing because of money.  Till now I can still remember the wife's crying sound, pity her!

After seeing that, I guess I learned something from that. I learn that we should tresure the people around us before is too late. For some people, they might think that money is the most important of all, but think about it again, if you have money but don't have anybody to share it with does money means anything?

I admit that there are times that I was rude to my friends and family, I promise that I will try to change that attitide.

Maybe this post may not create a big effect in your life but still I hope it does create some awareness! Till next time, bye. : )

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