Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Happy but Sad

Some stuff happen lately in my class, gonna blog everything out before I forget everything :p

Monday: I didn't know that
I will just skip to the part that I wanna share with you guys. It was english period and teacher came into class and she ask who wanna volunteer to give out the test papers. And I raise my hand and said: " Me, teacher. Let me give out the paper". But she ignore me and asked the ass. monitor to give out the papers. While my ass. monitor was giving out the papers, my teacher said that nobody got even a A- in class. 0_0 that was my face when I heard that, this is because English is like the only subject that I can score. And ya there was this guy in my class that is really annoying in my class and show off everytime when he get the highest mark and ya he goes for Cambridge but he got a A- (70+) for his english, and he turn around and started asking how much I got and stuff like that(he was annoying). Then teacher open her file (i think she is seeing our name list to check our marks).

And she asked " Who is Esther? " 
Me: " Me, teacher" ( I said it in a really funny tone)
Teacher: " Erm Esther, you got 80 for your English".
Me: "HUH, REALLY AH? " ( I actually shouted)

Then my ass. monitor gave me my paper and I took it and I turn to that guy and I said " see, I got an A ". Well, you might think that I am showing off, but no I wasn't showing out, I just wanna let him know how we feel when he comes and show off his marks to us.( BAD ME) After teacher discuss with us, she told us to do our own stuff because she got some form 5 test paper to mark. Somebody was sitting on my place so I went to his place and sat there.

This is the sitting chart. Sitting with all the guys :p (sounds wrong but i have no place to sit) 

We started chatting about some stuff/secrets while Ming and Xin were doing their add maths. I taught them some when they don't know how to do it :o We continue chatting and I forgotten what Ming Ming did and I started pinching his cheek. HE IS REALLY CUTE!!!!! I mean small boy those type of cute. Everytime when I wanna pinch his cheek he would move side ways to avoid from getting pinch and everytime he does that, Ying will call him to go away. I seriously don't have any idea what was Jian doing all the time but I guess it was add maths too.(why is everyone doing add maths) After they are done with their add maths, Ming started talking to that guy. And I turn behind to act like I was talking with Xin but actually I was laughing really badly. 

Then nothing much happen after that..... I got back to my place and continue with the classes. When the bell ring, I went home. 
I ate my lunch than I did my homework than it was about 5 when i finish all my homework than i went to bath, had dinner, did revision and went to bed (ZZzzz)

Tuesday: Why do you guys gotta go????

I am really sad to find out that there were 2 of my classmate changing to other class. I am not even close with them but still we've been in the same class for 2 months plus already and suddenly 2 of them are leaving. Anyways, today 2 girls from 4S6 were change to our class, they are kinda noisy but nevermind I am use to it. 

When I got back to my place, Celine said that she feel like changing class. Soon, I heard more and more people saying that they wanna change class.So this a short letter for all of you that wanna change class.

To: All of you from 4A3 that wanna change class

       I am really happy to meet you guys and girls this year, we might not be close but still please think twice before you guys change class. I will miss all of you, especially Celine, Amanda and Chin Hong. You guys had been great friends to me, I will never forget  you.I can't imagine school life without you guys talking to me in class. Anyways, best of luck to all of you that wanna change class.

Thats all for now, gotta go study (like a good girl) :p

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