First I would start off with my GRADUATION!!!
My graduation was held in school not like other schools where they had their graduation in hotel ballrooms, our's was held in our school hall.
I will just briefly run through my graduation programs.
It all started off with all the VIPs of our school giving their speeches then it was award ceremony then 1/2 an hour of break time and we continued with class performances!
The speech part was boring as always, award ceremony was good. I'm glad to say that my classmate, Mun Sheng got highest in accounts *thumbs up for u bro*
After the award ceremony, me and my classmates rushed down to the canteen to book places and then we went to change to our class tee for our performance later. We were in a rush because our class were the first to perform. After that, we went up to the hall and did a cheer just to encourage each other to perform well later!
5 minutes before performance, we went on stage to get ready. Everyone was nervous, especially stanley and xiiao shuen I guess, because they were the ones that taught us the dance!
Click here to see our class performance
Just to train for this performance, we would meet up at the padang almost every sunday morning. We would practice from 8am to 11am and then we would chill at Xiiao Shuen's place till we go for lunch together and it was during this period of time, the whole class got closer.
K.K. Back to gradution!
After everything, we gathered downstairs at the dataran and took a group picture and many selfies. Many hugs were given out and also received.
These are some of the photos.
Photo with my lovely classmates <3
I am sure we all looked good in our class tee right?
Groupie with my buddy group!
Photo with Stanley, JY and Ming
I would say that I am going to miss 'bullying' them and being 'bullied" by them
Selfie with Sam and Celine
I would miss talking crap with these two girls.
with chin hong.
with Jia Huan
I would miss teasing you all the time

A selfie with Heidi!
5 years of friendship and still counting
with Tsien Hann
with William
with Zhi Ling, my lobster twin
with Michelle, my form one tablemate!
with Chernyse.
I always wanted to ask her why is she so pretty?
with melissa
Just another photo with Stanley
Ignore my face pls!
with Wei Hung a.k.a Dai Lou
with Amanda
with Xiiao Shuen.
gonna miss her sampat-ness so much
gonna miss her sampat-ness so much
with YingLin
With Tzen Jian, our class muscle man
with my dearly, Hant shen
Thanks for being there to hear my problems!
with Chong yang
with Zheng Han
with harisha
with krystal!
After all the selfies, me and shi yuan went to Sam's shop, not actually her shop, is her mother's daycare centre. We had lunch and took a nap there. About 4+, we took turns to bath then her parents fetched us to 88 steamboat!
When we reached 88, almost everyone was there. I put my bag down, grabbed a pair of chopsticks and went to Leong Tek's table. All I did then was wait for Leong Tek to cook and I will just eat. YUMYUM .
About 830pm, TJ and the guys went to distract Zheng Han while me and pinwen went to get ready the cake. Me and pinwen were really nervous while lighting the candles because the wind blew quite strongly and the fire was blown off many times. When it was all done, me and pinwen slowly carry up the box and walk towards Zheng Han while the others starting singing the birthday song. Overall it was a successful surprise birthday celebration!
Not many photos were taken this time because everyone was busy cooking and eating. HEHE
Here are just a few photos I got on my phone.
with Dee Wen.
We bromancing <3
love this two pic though
with our class guys.
Just realize stanley isn't in the pic #sad
with ivy!
I know her since std 6!
with Ching yen
with Kah chun
I would like to say something to my classmates here
To all my lovely 5A3-rians:
It was truly a blessing to have all of you as my classmates.
I wouldn't forget those happy moments that we shared together and those stupid jokes we all cracked.
I would miss every single one of you and I really hope that we could have gatherings more often after our SPM.
Wish you guys all the best in SPM and of course in life too. <3